Wild Garlic Tales

Off gathering wild garlic for storytelling and cooking for next Saturday's Farmer's Market in Okehampton!

Ransoms and Bear's Garlic make a good start!

There is an interesting mix of tales and snippets with a garlic theme.
  • A tale from the Odyssey in which our hero avoids being turned into a pig by having wild garlic leaves tucked behind his ear
  • A strike by Ancient Egyptian pyramid builders who wanted fair pay in the form of their garlic ration
  • Garlic eaten to protect travellers from mountain tigers in Korea
  • Gar is old Keltic for spear and leac for leek so a spear onion
  • Allium Ursinum or bear's garlic because bears like digging up the bulbs!
.. and more!!

Session with : www.harvestworkerscoop.org.uk
