It was the last playday on Friday. Threatening rain and wind almost blew the tents away at the beginning but then changed to breezy and cheerful. It was the turn of the pigs! One silly pig from India who thought he would challenge the tiger to be king, one very sensible pig from Danemark who did not want to get fattened up to become bacon and a stubborn piglet from England. This year has been a good one for building up stories. I reckon that I have added almost twenty new ones. Of those probably five or six will settle down to become regulars.
I am still telling stories to those who want them rather than at set times and this has largely gone well. Smaller audiences with some good listening. The last telling was interesting as it was almost time to pack up when one girl asked for a story, suddenly there was an audience of fifteen! Another factor is the people who are listening on the fringes and again those who are aware of the fact that stories are being told. Certainly audiences and outdoor events is a curious affair!